Friday, October 11, 2013

Immediate Pain Relief Without Pain Pills

In the amount of time it takes to pop a pain pill and experience pain relief you can use a massage technique instead. It is called Effleurage. Simply apply a small amount of lotion to an area and ever so gently stroke that area in a circular motion. You can then vary the stroke by gradually getting deeper into the tissues and stroking in one direction, towards your heart. This sedates the nerve endings and puts the nerve endings to sleep. The result is instant pain relief. If you injured an area enough to cause swelling, then you want to keep the swelling for approximately a week, a full seven to ten days. Swelling is Nature's way of rushing healing lymph, fluid that delivers antioxidants, protein, vitamins and minerals to feed the affected area. You can gently stroke this area to relieve pain but DO NOT try to get rid of this essential healing fluid. After ten days one should begin the process of slowly removing this used up fluid that is now full of the toxic waste from the metabolism of it doing its job. If it is a limb then elevate this area above your heart. Alternate the use of heat and cold to gently squeeze out this fluid from the cells. You can go to my website: for the article on Hydrotherapy. You use heat for 5 minutes and then cold for 30 seconds alternating for approximately 30 minutes each 'session'. Non swollen areas of less trauma can also greatly benefit from superficial strokes and gentle heat. You can also gently tap on the affected area if there is bone loss. We have cells in our bones called Osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are cells within the bone that is responsible for building more bone tissue. Osteoblasts are activated by tapping on the broken bone or the joint where there is joint erosion due to bone grinding on bone or fractures. DO NOT tap on a broken bone before it is set in place. If you do then the bone will grow wrong in a short time and will have to be re-broken in order to set it properly. This will cause unnecessary pain and trauma to the affected area. If you have a fracture or broken bone that cannot be set by a cast but is properly aligned you can gently rub this area and use the tapping method to speed up healing. This is especially helpful on the ribs, hips,nose, toes and fingers. FYI: You can prevent scar tissue from forming after surgery by regular massaging the incision right after surgery as soon as the bandage can be taken off. Be sure your hands are clean and sanitized as you do not want to introduce germs to this vulnerable area. Massage brings needed oxygen and blood to the incision which helps erase away scar tissue before it forms. Massage therapy is truly a blessing for those with chronic pain and trauma.

Friday, September 27, 2013


While in school I paid close attention to therapy that can benefit my husband. He lived with chronic pain for 30 years. He also lived on pain pills as part of his diet for approximately 20 years. NOT GOOD FOR THE LIVER or his general health. I am glad to announce that with ASEA and now regular therapeutic massage he has not been on pain meds for the past 2 years. He still has some pain from his permanent injuries, however, the dull aches are far more manageable. Five minutes in one spot and he is relaxed and chattering during his massage. Three or four years ago he tore one of his Bicep attachment clear off of the bone and was not able do do much of anything for more than 5 minutes without crying with sharp pain. After learning what do do with problem shoulders, I regularly work on his shoulder. Now he is tearing down barns by pulling, jerking, tugging and carrying heavy lumber with both arms for sometimes 8 - 10 hours a day. All I have to do is tweek the shoulder with a little massage and he is good to go for the next day. Oh how I love massage therapy. He feels like a new man. YEAH.

Friday, March 1, 2013

WOW, I am almost graduated from The Denver School of Massage Therapy. It has been 7 short months of mostly bliss. Anatomy tried to kick my butt but I hunkered down and got busy studying and cramming. I graduate in two weeks. AMAZING journey. After just 6 weeks into I was able to do some amazing maneuvers to help Bill with his back and hips. Now I have learned to structurally realign his postural imbalances which eases his joint pain and wear and tear on his joints. I am learning to realign tight muscles that pull on his joints that create this problem. AMAZING how just a little of applied knowledge will make such a big difference. Combining all of the modalities into a personalized session is magic. From time to time he will ask me to work my magic on him.