Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Husband's Lungs Are Healing

My husband's lungs have been damaged by several bouts with pneumonia and bronchitis in the past. If he gets a common cold he quickly comes down with a chest cold which easily leads to pneumonia or bronchitis. He ALWAYS goes to the doctor for antibiotics or ends up in the hospital.

Just this past Saturday he woke up with a bad headache. At the end of a 12 hour day driving a sugar beet truck he came home informing me that he had the flu all day. I immediately gave him more ASEA, fed him and he went to bed. He laid around the next day as he was off. Monday morning he woke up feeling "great". It was amazing to watch him bounce back into full blown health and energy.

Every few days he tells me of noticeable improvements to his health. He now has such a quality of life that I have never experienced in our 6 1/2 years of marriage. It has been 2 weeks since he has taken a pain pill. AMAZING. I love alternative options to health care. Talk about a health care plan. There is nothing better than making a living while making a difference.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My husband is healthy now

Just 3 short weeks ago my husband was plagued by pain, 15 - 20 minutes of stamina, and no energy as he has 1.)sciatic nerve damage from an accident 25 years ago with scar tissue damage, 2.)a form of lupus that deteriorates his muscles and causes severe muscle pain throughout his body, 3.)arthritis, 4.)severe headaches, 5.)digestive problems and 6.)he needs a knee replacement.

After 2 weeks of making a small change he went from popping pain pills throughout the day passed out in his chair to taking one set of pain pills per day. He has energy. He no longer has digestive problems. He has been driving a sugar beet truck, crunched up in the cab while using a clutch for 12 - 13 hours a day. He takes periodic breaks to so some welding and dislodging rocks out of the harvester. He comes home exhausted feeling good about being able to work again.

To know more about why he is healthy click here.